N.B. This is a translation of a French article – the first part – written by Mrs Roots and Po Lomami. The specific context is that of France’s racism (which deliberately chooses to avoid talking about race or to acknowledge its racism). France is also the host of a distinctive elitist class of academic […]
Étiquette : brett bailey
#BoycottHumanZoo #ExhibitB: "It is nothing new"/"Ca n'a rien de nouveau" by Selina Thompson
“Seeing black people, seeing African people – presented as bodies, rather than people: this is nothing new. Seeing those Black Bodies suffering, presented in unbearable pain and terror, this is NOTHING NEW. Black women as sex objects waiting to be raped, as anatomical specimens to be examined, as Mammys, as animals, seeing black men disembodied […]
#BoycottHumanZoo I : le racisme s'invite au musée
Après les nombreuses discussions sur le net et les articles éparses et discrets sur le sujet, Po Lomami et moi-même avons décidé de rédiger cet article sur Exhibit B. Ce dernier sera publié en 2 parties : l’une qui va suivre ci-dessous et la seconde, qui sera publiée dans 3 jours sur le site […]