“Quand nous étions jeunes, nous étions harcelées à l’école parce que nous étions différentes. Et nous avons transformés le fait d’être différentes et d’être harcelées en quelque chose de positif : les lunettes de soleil. C’était une sorte d’échappatoire, nous les portions face à ceux qui nous harcelaient et bien avant de nous lancer dans […]
Étiquette : hope
Roots & Inspiration : 2 Many Siblings [Eng, Fr]
From those endless afternoon I spent on Internet, I learnt a lot from interviews made by my favorite bloggers. These interviews made me think about what I want to do and not do, what I want to be and not be, but more than that; it teached me to dream. I still thought that imagination […]
Bookfair, publishing, and new category [Eng]
Hey there ! Those last days were crazy, so I take this time for giving you some news. I don’t know necessarily where to start, so let’s make a list: Editorial blog : It turned out my blog became more and more involved in some specific topics, and sometimes I am wondering if there is […]
[Les Enjeux] Why can't we wait – MLK et le racisme invisibilisé
Me revoilààà ! Précédemment(voir article précédent ici), je vous expliquais pourquoi la lecture de ce livre était l’occasion de percer une représentation galvanisée du mythe MLK, et comment cette mystification invisibilise parfois le racisme moderne, dans tout ce qu’il a de plus décomplexé. Ou comment sortir du “c’était pire, avant”. Comme il s’agit d’une review […]
Rosa Parks, Mandela… "Why can't we wait ?" MLK said [Eng, Fr]
Ce matin, une amie m’a réveillé avec la triste nouvelle de la mort de Mandela. Puis, j’ai vu les tweets, les statuts facebook. Puis les journaux télévisés et chaque homme politique qui y va de sa petite parole, parlant de Mandela comme un héros. Les gens adorent ça. Mettre le mot “héros” avec des étoiles […]
Calling dreamers
Wishing and dreaming are described with beauty, but when I look at the clock’ and see the late hour of the night, I do believe that dreams are doomed. Even when everything succeeds around you, they’re feeding your last hopes and illusions. Life is rewarding you but you keep daydreaming with this incredible fever […]
Some News – Greatness is coming !
Hey guys ! How are you doing ? I take some minutes to tell you some stuff about what’s going on in my life lately. Not that it will bring you something, you can just skip this article if you want to, haha. You are now 35 followers on this blog and 80 on Twitter, […]
Madame Vulnerability
I wish I could live without any expectations. Even if you have this thrilling seconds when you realized that they come true, I would sacrifice these little seconds of transe for a perfect ataraxia. Or holidays of ataraxia. Can you imagine ? Take a break when you think about nothing then “what will I […]
Moving on, strength of next days
Weird title, I think. But it seemed to me obvious that “strength” takes place in it. Nothing goes as we expect that it will be. Disappointment is something that I am familiar with, somehow, in love. Some of you appreciated my last article, and I don’t regret my words but since that, disappointment came upon […]
My life fits in a box
You probably thought I disappeared ? I thought too. Among empty boxes, I put a little bit of myself in all of them : Time to leave, guys ! But I’m not as sad as I was few days before. I realized all the goods things which are coming and when I see my roomate […]