Everything came upon me when I ve been told that I had to turn my essay into a presentation of 10 minutes ! What a waste to reduce my thought on that matter. This the reason why I decided to present to you a piece of my work. The representation of sounds is a real […]
Mois : octobre 2013
BOOKREVIEW is coming (2): Toni Morrison, The Song of Salomon
Second teaser about my next bookreview 🙂 Second aperçu de ma prochaine review !
BOOKREVIEW is coming : Music and Comics
Here is a little teaser about my next bookreview with Music and Comics as subject
BookReview : Peau noire, masques blancs de Frantz Fanon [Fr]
Bonjour à tous ! Une lecture hachée menue de cet essai qui, malgré tout, trouve son achèvement ! Voilà un moment que je vous fais part de mes réflexions en cours de lecture sur l’essai de Fanon. Je n’ai pas la prétention de livrer une analyse approfondie de son travail, car ceci est une review […]
Some News – Greatness is coming !
Hey guys ! How are you doing ? I take some minutes to tell you some stuff about what’s going on in my life lately. Not that it will bring you something, you can just skip this article if you want to, haha. You are now 35 followers on this blog and 80 on Twitter, […]