N.B. This is a translation of a French article – the first part – written by Mrs Roots and Po Lomami. The specific context is that of France’s racism (which deliberately chooses to avoid talking about race or to acknowledge its racism). France is also the host of a distinctive elitist class of academic […]
Catégorie : English Articles
[ENGLISH ARTICLE] Blackfeminism in France : what's going on ?
It’s been a while since I wrote an english post, right ? Even if I try to dedicate my blog to french readers, I am more and more concerned about keeping in touch with english-speaker fellows ! If you did not follow the last afrofeminist events taking place in Paris, here is a little recap : […]
Flâner, et autres.
First of all, I seriously think about having translation of some articles in here. Two students proposed to me to translate the texts I need, and some english readers asked me about it, so maybe 2015 will be the year for more english contents. Second of all, I am really excited about all the new […]
"Boys will be boys": deconstructing manhood…
« Chaque semaine, onze femmes et moi nous réunissons, nous lisons des textes de théorie féministe et en parlons. Et pendant une de nos réunions, j’ai assisté à une conversation entre deux femmes, qui a tout changé pour moi. L’une était blanche et l’autre était noire. La femme blanche dit « Toutes les femmes ont […]
Queen, Belle, an inaccurate color
It can be very frustrating to be a literary student black woman. I read countless books from French literature and as my love for this domain grew through years, the time came when I got tired of not seeing women like me. As a matter of fact, I found my path in Afro-american, […]
Going back to my natural hair without extensioned box braids (like above, precisely). It’s weird to feel vulnerable and exposed, as if you had embodied a powerful part of yourself and that, for now, you were a whole being including hided fragile parts. I kind of broke down lately: I can’t tolerate how easy people can […]
Roots & Inspiration:"Women" by Carol Rossetti [Eng,Fr]
Sur son tumblr, une des images de cette série était une femme mince dont la légende dénonçait cette injonction aux formes féminines pour prouver sa féminité. Un commentateur a demandé “pourquoi il manque un bras à cette jeune femme sur l’image ?”, ce à quoi Carol a répondu “Les personnes amputées ont besoin d’être […]
Roots & Inspiration supports : Coco & Breezy [Eng, Fr]
“Quand nous étions jeunes, nous étions harcelées à l’école parce que nous étions différentes. Et nous avons transformés le fait d’être différentes et d’être harcelées en quelque chose de positif : les lunettes de soleil. C’était une sorte d’échappatoire, nous les portions face à ceux qui nous harcelaient et bien avant de nous lancer dans […]
Roots & Inspiration [ENG,FR] : La Blédardise
• Hello Wilfried ! Can you introduce yourself for those who do not know you ? My name is Wilfried , I am 23 years old and I am from Cameroon where I was born . I currently live in Lyon and I have a degree in Marketing. I define myself as an afropreneur , […]
Roots & Inspiration : 2 Many Siblings [Eng, Fr]
From those endless afternoon I spent on Internet, I learnt a lot from interviews made by my favorite bloggers. These interviews made me think about what I want to do and not do, what I want to be and not be, but more than that; it teached me to dream. I still thought that imagination […]