Some News – Greatness is coming !


Hey guys !

How are you doing ? I take some minutes to tell you some stuff about what’s going on in my life lately. Not that it will bring you something,  you can just skip this article if you want to, haha.  You are now 35 followers on this blog and 80 on Twitter, and for that, MERCI BEAUCOUP !

These last days marked my comfort feeling about this new city where I am living. My studies are great, I met some people IRL but also on Twitter. Yeah, lately, I had been very active on my twitter account (if you do not follow it, what are you waiting for ? You will practice some french ! hehe : @mrsxroots ), and I learnt a lot about Afrofeminism, racism, transphobia, islamophobia and so on.

If you know me, you know that I love to break all my potentiel prejudices and rest of ignorance by learning and travelling. Well, this is what I did for hours, reading articles, writing some and I hope you will like it, because being okay with ourself is dealing with this ugly background of our world.

I understand there is a time for opening your eyes on all these problems , and it seems it’s a part of adulthood somehow but it’s not enough to say “things need to change” and to wait for someone like Martin Luther King or this kind of big figure of history. It’s about us, and we have to do something. I don’t say we have to do a revolution, but just be aware and talk about all those problems; stopping to keep our illusions.

It’s not pessimistic to say “there is a problem in here”, it’s optimistic because it means you are strong enough for being aware of it. Doubting is good, being scared is natural but you have to overpass those states of mind if you want to change your environment. Because it begins with you ! 

It is easy ! Look at what I am reading, tweets and books. I saw a documentary about Coca cola and it made me feel good to see how my effort for eating healthy was a good way. Your changing will impact around you, and that’s how we have to stop to think that one person can’t change anything. You can change something if you talk around you, if you stop to be scared about people who are disagree. I had been scared to say what I thought and I hoped for someone to tell it for me. But no one will come for saying what you think, no one except you.

Hum… This was not the goal of this article but whatever, it gives you a reason to read it ! lol.

Greatness is coming 

In plus of all these news things I learnt, I am preparing my Copenhagen trip ! YAY ! Can’t wait to show you everything. And I just learnt I will participate to my first BOOK FAIR ! Participating, not attending. My CV is on fire haha.

When you want to work in a book field, people see you as a future homeless person but, by and by, I feel that every little victory I get is a snap in their face. I did not finish my studies so I can’t say what Lord is preparing for me, but until now I am just grateful and happy to do what I want. Not what my parents want, not what people want, but what me, myself and I want.

It’s a sane feeling, it’s exciting becaus you don’t clame you succeed, you just TRY. And people can’t take that from you, people can’t tell you if you will succeed or not, or if giving a try is vain. Because they don’t know what success means to you and maybe you don’t know yourself ! I don’t know when, or if, I will succeed. I just want to do like I do right now : step by step, trying and hoping for the best.

That’s all for now ! Can’t wait to tell you about my adventure ! Keep smiling and wish you the best for this week, month and year !

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