You probably thought I disappeared ? I thought too.
Among empty boxes, I put a little bit of myself in all of them : Time to leave, guys ! But I’m not as sad as I was few days before. I realized all the goods things which are coming and when I see my roomate so happy to go back to USA, I finally think that I should be optimistic.
Why that ? Because my trip is not over. I will go to Roma with my best friend during five days – travel posts coming soon ! stay tuned -, then a big internship is waiting for me in Paris where I will spend my summer.
Many differents places, different kind of trips where I will plant my roots further. So, for now, I am quite excited because, what I called “coming back”, is not as static as I believed.
Packaging all these memories shows me how much I lived, ate, drank this wonderful experience ! And it woudn’t be so amazing if there was no end to it. I hear my friends seriously planning to live here in the future, what permits to me to know what kind of person I am.
I would be tempted to live one per one year in different countries, I need to experience other places. I don’t know if I purchase the idyllic city, the one which will give me the envy to settle down – for now, only Stockholm and Liverpool approached my traveller’s soul.
What I know is I will escape, as much as I can, the static and reductive “coming back”.